
Saturday 12 April 2014

The Sunnah characteristics of performing Ghusl (Bath).

The following have been taken directly from aHadith recorded in Sahih Al Bukhari and constitute the Sunnah method of taking a Bath, therefore it is unquestionably the best possible method and brings down the greatest blessings of good health and Shifa from Allah Tala.

  • To start by washing the hands up to the wrists (twice or thrice).
  • Next, to perform Wudhu as if for the Prayer but delay washing the feet until the very end of the Ghusl.
  • To pour water 3 times (three handfuls) over the head.
  • To massage the roots of the hair to ensure they do not remain dry.
  • To wet the left hand and wash the private parts with it.
  • To then pour water (three times) over the rest of the body and wash it thoroughly, ensuring that no place remains dry (for example, behind the ears, inside the belly button).
  • To withdraw from the place where you have performed Ghusl and wash the feet separately at the end.
  • The Holy Prophet (sallAllahu alayhi wassallam) was presented with a piece of cloth to use after the Ghusl but he did not take it, instead he used his hands to remove the traces of water from his body.
  • To rub scent (a perfume which does not contain alcohol) first over the right, then left side of the head, then the middle of the head with both hands.

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